You want to know our Swamp Watch opinion on Tom Kennedy, here it is:
City of Schenectady Republican Czar Tom Kennedy might just be the biggest hypocrite in town - and that’s saying something when Gary McCarthy and his cronies run the city!
Tom pretends to be a Conservative or Republican but this RINO emperor has no clothes! Literally! Have you seen the shorts he was wearing at the Joe Mastroianni press conference?! Yes - the one where he and Joey Menu-snatcher Mastroianni tried to explain how laws such as theft or criminal mischief are only wrong when Democrats are accused of breaking them!
Pot meet Tom - Tommy Two Faced complains about wasteful government spending, or politicians using their position to enrich themselves but this leach uses his positions to enrich himself!
Tom is no Republican or Conservative - he put liberal hack Ed Varno in charge of the city of Schenectady republican club’s money! You scratch Gary McCarthy’s back, Tom scratches yours.
But wait, there’s more!
While out of honest work on “disability” Tom leaches off the taxpayer dime unable to work or provide for himself.
Yet, Tom has time to serve as the spokesperson for campaigns, run the city Republican club, distribute press releases, show up time and time and time again in the paper - no one loves thrusting himself into the spotlight more than Tom! Up next for Two-Faced Tom, forcing Schenectady Co. Republican Chair out so he can take the throne for himself!
Do as I say - not as I do - Tom should think twice before throwing stones in that glass house he built.
While Tom is living a nice cozy life up in his castle, while the union peasants got to work everyday to foot his bill. It seems not
See more on Tom Kennedy’s hypocrisy below:
Tom Kennedy hasn’t worn his correction officer uniform for an honest day’s work since Sept. 9, 1987 and was fired from his union post only then to file a workers’ compensation claim to avoid having to work like the rest of us according to the Times Union (Source: Ex-Prison Guards Leader Delays His Return to Work).
Tom Kennedy was suspended and fired from a UNION job - think about how hard that is, and how much of a low life you have to be for that to happen.
Let’s see what other people have to say about Two Faced Tom:
● “He tried to browbeat and gang-beat the executive board” - Richard Stevens, Law Enforcement Policy Chairman for Council 82 (Source: Union Leader Says Ouster Was Engineered, Times Union)
● “A lot of people feel that Mr. Kennedy thinks he runs the whole show” - Union Board Member that served with Tommy Two Face. (Source: Power Struggle Wracks Union A Feud Between 2 Council 82 Leaders May Come To A Head Today, Times Union)
● Tom was “suspended on a charge of trying to run the union by mob rule” - Union Executive Board Member (Source: Board Suspends Union President Sources Say The Council 82 Leader Was Thought to Pose a Threat To The Organization, Times Union)
Unfortunately Tom isn’t just an unhinged lunatic, he is greedy too. According to the Times Union Tom was swiping away the company credit card including:
-$216 at Cabela’s Inc.
-$514 at Present Co.
-$5,270 for charted jets
- $790 in plane tickets to Myrtle Beach, SC
- $144 at Tennis World
-$259 for a rental car
-$699 at Myrtle Bezch Hitlon
-$1,216 for another trip to Myrtle Beach
-$130 for a rental car
-$240 for a second stay at Myrtle Beach Hilton
-$922 for a trip to West Palm Beach, FL
-$232 bill at an Italian restaurant in Hilton Head, SC
-Two flights to from Albany to Massachusetts and back
-$206 for a rental car in Cape Cod
-$476 at Bradlees
-$1,464 at Radio Shack
-$3,209 at the Mirror Lake Inn in Lake Placid
-$10,773 on conventions in Miami, San Diego, Atlantic City NJ, and Las Vegas
More than $26,760 in wasteful selfish spending on the company card! Union workers go to work, Tom goes on a trip!
The union Tom worked for said “there was never a Council 82 convention in Myrtle Beach, and the union’s constitution prohibits out-of-state conventions” according to the Times Union (Seeing The Country On Union Credit). Someone should ask Tom what exactly being a corrections officer in New York has to do with Myrtke Beach, Las Vegas, Miami, San Diego, Massachusetts, Atlantic City…. He got caught with his hand in the cookie jar once - now he’s back for his own benefit again!
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